The Master of Arts in General Management
Alterbridge University offers a unique opportunity to get a German education through the master’s program “The Master of Arts in General Management,” which is implemented by Steinbeis University (SIBE).The collaboration between “Steinbeis” and “Alterbridge” University supported the implementation of the innovative German master’s program in Georgia. Which means that interested individuals will be able to obtain unique learning experience – German education, and an internationally recognized diploma without leaving the country.
We offer an alternative to studying on a German educational program with a lecture schedule tailored to working conditions in collaboration with Steinbeis University.
The duration of study on the master’s program includes 2 academic years. Master’s students will be enrolled on the program based on an interview, in accordance with European standards. Applicants must have a B2 level of English language proficiency as the educational program is offered in English.
About The Steinbeis University (SIBE)
The SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (SIBE) is the Graduate School for Leadership & Management at Steinbeis University, located in Herrenberg, Germany, and is headed by Prof. Dr. h. c. Werner G. Faix and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kisgen. SIBE stands for successful knowledge transfer and systematic competence building between science and business. It is focused on companies and organizations as well as on competent, entrepreneurially global thinking and acting high potentials.
Since the SIBE was founded, the special feature of its program has been that students do not simply acquire knowledge from books or in seminars. Rather, students are expected to make knowledge a reality during an SIBE study program – not under laboratory conditions, but out in the “real world”, in projects in the company.
An SIBE Master’s is not solely an investment in an employee’s future, but rather an investment in your own company’s success! And best of all: overall, a master’s student usually costs less than a regular bachelor’s annual salary.
Our Mission
“We enter Georgian market in order to drive regional economy & innovation and implement our best-practice solutions in business modelling, digitalization, service industry and manufacturing. The core of our innovative academic approach is the integrated project based study, linking theory with practice.”
The program’s purpose
The Integrated project module is the core of the STEINBEIS philosophy that aims to merge academic and practical teaching. Every student has to work in a group on a real-life project
with our local or international corporate/public partner.
Students develop solutions and problem solving skills based on actual challenges faced by public organizations or corporates. Working in a group fosters teamwork and soft skills of the participants and prepares them for future work environment. Students will have the opportunity to do internships at our corporate partners in Georgia as well as internationally.
Program Details:
Awarded qualification: Master of Arts in General Management
Program volume: 120 ECTS
Program Head: Stefanie Kisgen, Junior Professor of Leadership at Steinbeis University. CEO of the Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship GmbH (SIBE).
Cost: 2950 EU for per year
- Format: 60% of the program will be held remotely through the Zoom platform, the meeting will be led by Steinbeis lecturers. The 40% will be held offline, at Alterbridge University and the lectures will be led by the Georgian, local lecturers.
- working language: English – the knowledge of English language on B2.1 level is required.
- Program implementer: Steinbeis University – SIBE
- Diploma Issuer: Steinbeis University – SIBE
- Program duration:
- 2 years – 4 academic semestres
- Number of contact hours: 900 Hours
- Program content: The program consists of 11 modules and a master’s thesis.
- Program fee: Cost of 2 academic years 5900 EURO
Recruiting of participants – Potential participants for the M.A. program have to fulfill the following criteria:
- First degree of a state-recognized university, at least equivalent to Bachelor level
- With a workload of at least 180 CP (ECTS) or international equivalent
- English skills with a level of at least B2.1 (CEFR)
- Successful completion of SIBE`s assessment center incl. interview. Competence test, English test (Portal Speex, arguable with interview documentation, enrollment possible: B1.2)
- The partner has to ensure accreditation-compliant implementation of the selection procedure in close coordination with and according to SIBE`s standards and guidelines and timely submission of the following documentation to SIBE, required for enrolment:
- Modul 1 Economics
- Modul 2 Project Management and Entrepreneurship
- Modul 3 Methods of Empirical Social Research
- Modul 4 Market Analysis
- Modul 5 Objectives and Strategy
- Modul 6 Communication, Marketing and Sales
- Modul 7 Management Accounts and Corporate Finance
- Modul 8 Law
- Modul 9 International Business Development
- Modul 10 Leadership and Competencies 1
- Modul 11 Leadership and Competencies 2
- Modul MT Master Thesis