Vice rector for strategic development of International Teaching University of Management and Communication, Affiliated Associate Professor, Bachelor’s and Master’s programs director in PR and Strategic Communications. Has 20 years of practical experience in the field of public relations. The expert at the Center for Innovative Education. Co-founder and President of. PR Association. Mako Jaoshvili is the participant, as well as organizer and moderator of several scientific conferences / forums, the author of several publications in the field of public relations
In 2020, completed 1year teaching program in positive and trans cultural psychotherapy and is awarded the status of a positive psycho consultant.
In 2019-2015 she worked as the Executive Director of the International Education Center of the PR Academy, was involved in projects to improve transfer skills commissioned by GIZ, USAID and UNICEF as a trainer and project manager.
Since 2017 she is involved in a vocational education support project as the vocational training expert.
From 2015 till present, she is the mentor and the invited lecturer in Negotiation Strategies and Business Ethics in Master’s Degree Program at the Warsaw University of Management.
Since 2014 she, as the field expert at the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, has elaborated the professional standards for Event Organizing and Public Relations, is the author for module program in Event management and students’ guide-book Event Planning.
In 2011 she founded consulting company SEVENT and as the CEO is managing to plan and organize the communication strategies. In different years she worked in leading companies at various managerial positions.
Since 2008 she has conducted various training programs and lecture courses in presentation skills, communication psychology, public speech, business communication and art of negotiation. In 1996 she was awarded PH D in social sciences.