In 2021, the International University of Management and Communication “Alterbridge” will offer accredited basic programs of professional development of public servants to public institutions.
The programs have been developed in accordance with the Resolution №242 of the Government of Georgia on the Rules for Determining the Professional Development Needs of a Professional Public Servant, the Professional Development Standard and Rules.
The programs were accredited by the LEPL – National Center for Quality Development in Education at the end of 2020, which allows Alterbridge to participate in the professional development of public servants and offer the public sector mandatory core programs such as:
“Officer Managerial Skills” and “Development of Personal and Professional Competencies”.
Basic Program “Officer Managerial Skills” The program is designed for I and II rank – senior and middle management level servants, consists of – 5 main courses and is focused on the development of managerial, managerial and leadership competencies.
Basic Program “Personal and Professional Competence Development Course” The program is designed for senior and junior specialist level employees of III and IV ranks, consists of 4 main courses and focuses on the development of general competencies and soft skills.
The need for professional development of the officer is the basis for the development of knowledge and skills necessary for the exercise of authority by the officer to ensure the establishment of a high professional standard and the proper functioning of the public institution.Catalog of Public Servant Programs